The onset of my employment with Delaware Volunteer Legal Services coincided with the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. During my first three months of employment, I have only been in the office amongst co-workers on two occasions. This had made the infancy of my employment non-traditional to say the least, but DVLS has acclimated to working remotely in a seamless fashion.
When the world started modifying work schedules and working from home, concern grew for victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence was predicted to, and did in fact, become more prevalent. Victims began quarantine with their abusers. Some did not have the ability to access resources to assist them in getting away from their abusers.
As the business and organizations begin to open their doors to a new “normal”, it is expected that victims will begin to seek assistance for protection at an increased frequency. The number of requests for Protection from Abuse Orders will rise. DVLS has continued to strive to support our clients and prepare for the uptake in need. One thing that has impressed me about DVLS is the volunteer attorneys who answer the call when assistance is needed. With them, DVLS is able to advocate for many more victims.
COVID-19 has caused many wrinkles in the legal world. Courts closed. Legal Offices began working remotely. Change became necessary to protect ourselves against an unfamiliar illness. In my opinion, the Delaware legal community took these changes with stride and I look forward to seeing what a post-COVID-19 world brings.
Angela Desmond
Staff Attorney
Delaware Volunteer Legal Services